A photographic debate on mimesis and anti-mimesis.
A Weighted Blossom
It’s no longer in seed form.
It's growing
It can’t be hidden.
Time brings about each nuance.
This that blossoms appears like the rest
It carries weight.
Instead, grounding.
At full blossom
It hangs near the dirt
But never takes it on.
Its stem,
Its life source
Keeps it held.
Awaited Blossom
I saw you before you were.
Long since pondered in my heart
A promise
Kept in secret
For its protection
For my protection
From hope deferred.
Time is not a healer
It’s a revealer
Of what was really there
All along.
Carrying vs Caring
One evolves to the other.
Like a mother
Who becomes a mother
By carrying what’s first inside,
Until she becomes a mother
By caring for what’s outside,
Now seen.
One evolves to the other.
Like a designer
Who becomes a designer
By carrying what’s first inside
the mind,
Until they become a designer
By caring for what’s outside,
Now made
One evolves to the other.
Carrying vs Caring
Models: @beanieboamah & @calfoster_
Photographed & Edited: @thereseniedbala
Creative Direction: @shopchc & @thereseniedbala
Special Thanks: @youthandyarrow
Words: @chellilook