In Studio: October 2015

October 21, 2015

A collection of snapshots from what we have been up to around the CHC studio....

CHC now has an Apprentice! Lucy is a talented young lady who has decided to join in for a few hours each week to learn leather-working, studio maintenance & packaging details....all at the signed consent of her parents, of course;-)

You will be seeing much more from her but for now here is a glimpse at what she has been helping with....!

Production is always underway at the studio and here is a line up of a day's orders waiting to be sewn and then final details added :

Enjoying the afternoon light shining in....with my favorite (only) studio pet, Chunk:-)


I also had the very lovely pleasure of meeting/hosting Megan from The Stiles Files in the studio and was so delighted at our conversation. She also captured some great images of the space:

Check out her full blog post on CHC here and see what she had to say as well as more of the shots she captured! 

Stay tuned to see all that November is going to bring.....HELLO Holiday!!

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