CHC + Kit & Ace

December 23, 2016

CHC + Kit & Ace from Chelli Look on Vimeo.


This last week CHC had the pleasure of popping up at Kit & Ace in the West Loop. The people and atmosphere  set a perfect tone for an afternoon of sips and shopping.

Thank you so much to Kit & Ace for graciously hosting us in their store, and thank you to everyone who came to say hello!

If you are ever in the West Loop we highly recommend you stop by their store, and if you can't...don't worry they're online too :)

 Here are some of our faves...

From Stephen:

Fresh Air Brushed Pullover

The Raglan Bomber

Flipside Pillow

From Sav:

At Long Last Dress

Burbank Shawl

York Pant 

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