November 18, 2016


Season of ITY: CHC + W/A from Chelli Look on Vimeo.

A few weeks ago, CHC had the honor of hosting an event with WITH/ANOTHER. The ladies really brought a lot of warmth and love to the space-our studio became a little notch of wonderland for the night.

All the guests had been past features on their blog. Getting to meet so many creative and lovely women was not only inspiring but empowering; we were so lucky to learn and exchange thoughts with all the women there and for that, we are truly grateful.

Of course, we are not the only part of that night, but don't worry we've got some thoughts from the W/A ladies too!

"The studio space is light, airy and minimal, which lends well to gathering a bunch of people. Basically, we just love Chelli and appreciate everything that CHC is, does, and stands for."

"We loved seeing all of the women whom we have featured come together, exchange ideas, form bonds and create thought provoking conversation. While we have spent time with each of these women individually, they had not all met each other, so watching friendships unfold was extremely special to watch. Also, we loved when Carolyn was fangirling over Bethany."

"We plan to host more gatherings for the women featured on WITH/ANOTHER, along with more open community events and workshops that will allow more people to connect with us, our ideas and the W/A community."

"We've said it before, but just thank you so much for supporting this endeavor. Since the event, we have been overjoyed to hear of the collaborations and friendships that have stemmed from just one evening. Seriously, we are so so happy."

"We are beyond grateful to Chelli for helping bring together our first event in the most seamless and eloquent way that aligned both of our visions. There are not enough words to express our appreciation for the women of Chicago, so we just hope that this event and future events are something that we can do to support and give back to the women that make this city something special. "

Thank you again to WITH/AONTHER and all the ladies who attended that night. It is one we will never forget and we hope to see all of you again very soon xx

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