October Favorites 2016

October 25, 2016

A round-up of our monthly loves, tangible or not...

1. While I never used to wear watches, I purchased this watch from Gather Home and Lifestyle several months ago, initially based on its beauty and it is now a constant. And going along with buying less but better, the longevity of this watch adds even more appeal.....along with most everything else in that lovely Chicago shop!

2. Sunglasses from Steven Alan -- these were a generous gift to me that I ooze with gratitude for! They have the darkest tint shade I've ever experienced and the deep gray tone with light beige accent is a nice switch up from most black sunglasses I usually rotate through.

3. THIS book from Formerly Yes !  It's one that's simple in nature, while altogether inspiring and refreshing....new perspective on not so new things. And if you've not experienced Formerly Yes before...it. is. a. must!

4. Beanies from Aporta -- because the air is brisk again & my ever-growing collection of quality Aporta goods needed some new friends!

5. The Ray from us!! Need I even explain?? ;-)  Minimal, functional, supportive, secure and all around delicious!

6. Song- SOLANGE-- because this album is currently everything.

CHC Photoshoot in Art Institute 

7. The MOMENT we were questioned and then asked to leave the Art Institute; captured by Sav.

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